A prestigious network of partners
EDT’s mission is to digitalise all documents exchanged between businesses and their customer and supplier network. To achieve this goal, we have built a trusted network to enable you to digitalise and automate your data exchanges, whatever your volume, size and formats.
EDT is IBM and Business Partner IBM certified for the Stertling B2B Integrator (EDI EAI) and Sterling File Gateway (file transfer management) range. We distribute, operate and incorporate IBM products in this range. EDT is developing its tailor-made SaaS service offer based on IBM technologies.
We also provide migration and assistance services for Gentran users.
OpenText, our historical partner, is an editor of EDI/EAI/B2B/AS2 solutions with a range comprising EDI servers: BizLink, Application Integrator, TrustedLink , BizManager. OpenText is a world supplier of B2B electronic commercial and incorporation services and equips 70% of Fortune 500 companies.
EDT distributes and is connected to the international EDI OpenText and Inovisworks Added Value Network and to electronic catalogue solutions.
EDT est l’un de nos partenaires commerciaux stratégiques en Europe au sein de la Business Unit Commerce B2B d’IBM. Ils sont certifiés et autorisés à revendre des licences logicielles ou des solutions SaaS, à assurer le support et à mettre en œuvre les solutions du portefeuille IBM B2B Commerce. Leur offre couvre l’ensemble des besoins de mise en place et d’exploitation d’une plate-forme B2B ou de mise en œuvre d’un projet SaaS basé sur nos technologies et logiciels.
Ils s’inscrivent dans la stratégie indirecte : augmenter le pourcentage des ventes avec l’aide de Partenaires commerciaux.
Vanessa HENRI
IBM Channel Account Manager Commerce BU Commerce
La stratégie d’OpenText Business Network est basée sur la vente directe et indirecte à travers un nombre limité de partenaires spécialisés. EDT est l’un de nos partenaires d’affaires stratégiques en Europe et dispose d’une forte expertise sur notre portefeuille de logiciels et de services. Ils disposent des ressources adéquates pour permettre à OpenText de se développer en France et au Royaume-Uni. Leurs références, solutions et consultants dans le domaine de la facturation électronique sont très utiles à OpenText pour couvrir le segment mid-market.
Emmanuel ARMAND
Channel Manager EMEA OpenText Business Network
An international neutral and non-profit organization whose mission is to facilitate and standardize B2B data exchanges, regardless of their sector of activity and size.
An association bringing together all stakeholders in the world of media and multi-channel advertising spot purchasing: advertising agencies, media agencies, institutions, solution providers.
Project for an information exchange platform initiated by ONF, UCFF, FRANCE BOIS REGIONS (FIBOIS Alsace, GIPEBLOR, ADIB, APROVALBOIS), FCBA to facilitate the sharing of business data across the entire wood sector.
Extranet-As-A-Service solutions facilitating extended collaboration with all third parties (clients, suppliers, partners, shareholders...).
Sovos Trustweaver provides electronic invoice signatures for multiple countries, in addition to our EIMA™ invoice dematerialization software.
As a trusted third party, we are a software publisher specializing in secure exchange and archiving of digital originals. We offer this legal archiving solution as an option to our clients, in SaaS mode, hosted license, or on-premise license.
Integrator of our EDI and MFT communication software solutions into their REFLEX WMS solution.
In addition to our solutions, IRIS CANON provides SCAN/LAD/RAD/Video coding tools for supplier invoice management. IRIS CANON is also our partner for printing customer invoices.
In addition to SCAN/LAD/RAD and Video coding services, IRON MOUNTAIN allows integration of flows from paper invoices, email, and EDI.
Product Information Management (PIM) solutions, GDSN service, and more generally electronic catalogs.
Focusing on forecasting, demand planning, and S&OP, Slimstock's supply chain optimization platform, Slim4, provides the complete solution for supply chain optimization.
EDT a Weexa group company, a human-centered, collaborative, and expert company, is committed to building a sustainable future by offering innovative solutions to its clients and supporting the growth of its employees.